New Ideas, New Goals, New Dreams: It’s November!

5 years ago, today, I made this post.
So many things have changed in my life.

So much progress, roadblocks, ups and downs.
But, my sentiments are still the same. Then, and now.
Happy November, y’all! ❤

Sapphires & Sisters

I hope the month of October treated you well, and that you enjoyed Halloween!
But an ending always leads to a new beginning.  And with today being the first day of November, there is a feeling of newness and regeneration in the air.  The holiday season is approaching and the end of the year is right around the corner.  And I’m sure many of you are thinking about what things you want to accomplish before the end of the year, and what new things you want to see come to fruition in the year of 2013.

This time of the year is always my hibernation time, a very reflective period.  And no matter how hard we work, get busy or get side tracked by our realities responsibilities, it is very important to give yourself alone time to just chill and think things over.

  • What changes in my life am I…

View original post 92 more words

Timely Patience & Universal Reward



You have to wait in the valley, frequent the streams, and stumble across hard rocks, before you can journey up-hill to appreciate the mountain.

Patience is a virtue.

Current Inspiration: New Orleans CULT-cha

 I’ve been researching and studying the amazingly, enigmatic city that is New Orleans.

From the birth of Jazz, to Hurricane Katrina to Mardi Gras; this city is full of layers of significant history and people.  From its deep-rooted French culture, due to the Louisiana Purchase, intertwined with echoes of African Voodoo carried through the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade; there is something about this town that is totally fascinating and complex.

One of the most interesting things I’ve come to understand and love about this city other than its music scene (New Orleans Bounce music, primarily), is the history of the Mardi Gras Indians.  Their inception started over 100 years ago from a group of Louisiana natives whose ancestors were of African and Native American decent.  As most Americans know, miscegenation between these two groups were very common during the days of slavery and colonialism.  And New Orleans is one of the only cities in America that has recognized the importance of this and its affect on their culture as a city within Louisiana.

The Mardi Gras Indians prepare all year for Fat Tuesday.  Meetings, practices, sewing sessions, collecting money and resources for their group/organization/tribe etc…  People see the second lines and parades, they stand in awe of their extravagant costumes and the moving vibrations of their singing and chanting, yet, rarely understand the hard work and dedication that it takes to do what these people do.  And it’s all in the name of tradition, strengthening their legacy and paying homage to their forefathers and foremothers who evoked this special tradition years ago.

I plan on attending Mardi Gras 2017 and cannot wait to have a taste of New Orleans and Louisiana culture for myself.  I look forward to seeing the Chiefs chanting their tribal songs throughout the streets, seeing the legendary Baby Dolls dancing in their satin corsets and umbrellas and just seeing people from all over the world having a good time.  But for now, I’m going to enjoy the King Cake that I bought from my local bakery and savor in its flavors until February 28th, 2017.

“Ya heard me?!”


Yemaya, Mermaids & The Power of Water: Summer 2015

BlaqueMuurmaidModel:  Trae Harris  / Photographer:  HennyXHarmon

Today is the Feast Day of the Yoruban goddess/diety, Yemaya.  It’s only right that I give honor, thanks and praise to her for all that she has done for me and my life.

This Summer, I have fallen into a DEEP love and obsession for anything mermaid or sea-life themed.  As a water sign, it is only natural that I am attracted to the sea and all things green (no, really… I am), but it’s as if I am actually LIVING it now.  I’ve been wearing so much blue and green.  I even got to visit the ocean, Yemaya’s home and dwelling place, in July in California.  Traveling there is always a powerful experience.  Anyone who has been there can attest to the fact that it is like NO OTHER place on this planet.  The energy in the air is enough to make you just stop, look and wonder.  It has been four years since I  touched the Pacific ocean, or any large body of water, other than the rivers and lakes in my area.  It was so powerful, therapeutic and healing.

unnamed   Redondo Beach, California 2016

I’ve even been thinking about having a mermaid themed birthday cake, next month.  LMAO, I MIGHT have to rethink that one.  But, I am so grateful for the waters of life.  There may be high tides and low tides.  Extreme tidals of emotions and dull waves of stagnation and nothingness.  But one thing we can learn about this is that it all brings change, which is life’s only constant.  And without these changes, we would not gain the life lessons necessary to move forward towards new horizons.  So, in essence, water is very essential in our lives.  It is the element of nurturance, health and even destruction.  And we must have all of these things in order to transform our lives anew…  And that’s word to Yemaya, because that’s who she is and what she brings forth to us all.

As we all prepare to celebrate these last two weeks of Summer, I think back on how much of a blessing this Summer has been and how it will prepare me for a new season of life.  Fall shall be great.  May we all reap all of the amazing seeds of positivity and productivity that we have sown, and may we share it with those around us.

Until then, I’m gonna keep on eating this Watermelon while it’s still in season and enjoying these long, hot ass days of fun.  #PEACE

sounds & sincerity.

Some spiritual and enlightening sounds to carry you all throughout your Monday and second day of Summer!
Blessings and love are in the air…
Have some!

The Power of Coincidence, Magic & Chance: The Winter Season

Around this time, last year, some of the most amazing and magical things began to happen and occur in my life.  I’m not talking cliche, “I pull a rabbit out of my hat: Wala!” type of magic, but actual synchronistic occurrences that happened in everyday life that were nothing short of a miracle…  True magic.  And it all started with one lecture.

During a routine Youtube search for videos by the Master Teacher, Bobby Hemmitt, I came across a newly uploaded video of one of his last lectures from 2008 entitled, Return of Nefertem, Son of Sekhmet.  I honestly cannot put into words how much of an impact this video had on me, and still has on me.  From beginning to end, the powerful information that is relayed, by not only Bobby, but from the opening speaker, Bro. Daki Napata, and others is so profound.  Information pertaining to the fairy realm, the significance and power of the Winter Equinox, the truth about Hollywood and celebritism, cosmic activity that can be seen with the naked eye and much, much more.

For those who are in-tune with the seasons or have a strong connection with Winter, the holidays and this time of year and its energies, I suggest that you take the time out to watch this video.  The spiritual and metaphysical knowledge will not only interest you, but change your view of how you see the world and the way things happen.  And what a special and opportune time, as people have more leisure and idle time during this final month of the year.

I will try and post time marks where certain topics are brought up, being that this video is a lengthy one. And for those who know of Bro. Bobby’s current health situation, follow the link below and continue to donate and support him and his recovery.

Love and blessings to you all!  Make this season MAGICAL!

Bobby Hemmitt Love Fund

“I Like To Be By Myself, That Makes Me Happy…”

“I’m not an addict of any kind, except to new adventures.” – Raven-Symoné


Raven-Symoné and I have the same Sun and Moon signs, interchangeably, so I am not surprised by her free-spirited mentality.  And it is invigorating and reassuring to hear some of the things that she stated in this clip from her Where Are They Now? interview with Oprah Winfrey, as so much of what she says resonates with my spirit. It’s just wonderful to see that someone that has accomplished so much is still aiming higher and open to redefining her life and growing even more, each day.  It makes me happy and inspires me to see such innocence and humility within her, even in adulthood.  This was a great moment.